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Home » Archives » January 2006 » CLARIFICATION
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A previous post of mine has been interpreted to mean that Jake was cancelled. IT WAS NOT. In fact, I was very careful not to use that word. ABC has been nothing but extremely clear that this season's episodes will air as soon as they have found the right positioning for them, and that the show could well continue beyond this season. I never said "cancelled," but I admit that I was overdramatic with my language - inexcusably so – as I tried to find a humorous/metaphoric take on the reduction of the order. I love my Jake co-workers, and when I wrote the original post, I was very sad that I would not be seeing them on a daily basis for a while. This mood leaked into the post in an inappropriate way -- But then, I'm very new to blogging (count it in days).
The episodes of Jake that we wrote and shot turned out really well -- I'm terribly proud of them -- and I’m not surprised to find that the network wants to put them on at a time when they’ve got a shot at finding an audience. Watch Jake when it returns, and help us win the chance to come back together and give you more!
Sorry for the confusion.
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