Looking for tips and tricks to the art of writing for television? Welcome to the blog of experienced television writer Jane Espenson. Check it out regularly to learn about spec scripts, writing dos and don'ts, and what Jane had for lunch! (RSS:  )
Home » Archives » March 2006 » A Treat!
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03/17/2006: A Treat!
Hey there! I was talking with an executive this week who told me about the best spec pilot she had ever read. After you've written some specs for existing shows, you may want to write a spec for a show of your invention, so that you can show off your own original voice. Well, this particular spec pilot that she described was called "Depressed Roomies," and was written by a writer named Charlie Kaufman who has subsequently shown himself to have a VERY original voice.
I was so intruiged by what she told me that I did a little looking, and instantly found the script online. Here. Take a look, just as a treat for yourself. It's funny, totally original; it MOVES; it has jokes; it has distinct and funny and sympathetic characters. I felt like I was learning about pilot writing just by reading it. I suspect you will too!
Lunch: An avocado and heirloom-tomato on rye sandwich. Summer-y and nice.
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