Looking for tips and tricks to the art of writing for television? Welcome to the blog of experienced television writer Jane Espenson. Check it out regularly to learn about spec scripts, writing dos and don'ts, and what Jane had for lunch! (RSS:  )
Home » Archives » April 2006 » Tiny Tidbit
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04/05/2006: Tiny Tidbit
I just found out that someone I know is specing an Entourage. Interesting. I had not even considered this as an option. Those of you who are looking for half-hours to spec are probably finding the number of appropriate shows to be pretty small. Earl. Office. Two Men and Half a Baby (as I once called it by accident), and not much else. Entourage might be a good thing to add to the mix. It's not perfect, since a lot of people don't know the show and aren't going to jump to read it, but in a way, the obscurity makes it even classier to have as your second or third script... it makes you seem sophisticated.
Lunch: reheated eggplant casserole. Even better as lunch than as last night's dinner. And there's still some left for tomorrow's breakfast.
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