Looking for tips and tricks to the art of writing for television? Welcome to the blog of experienced television writer Jane Espenson. Check it out regularly to learn about spec scripts, writing dos and don'ts, and what Jane had for lunch! (RSS:  )
Home » Archives » April 2006 » Home Again!
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04/27/2006: Home Again!
Hi Everyone! Sorry for the long silence. The hotel at which I stayed on vacation had one internet terminal for everyone to share. I didn't feel I could justify spec script tips under such circumstances. Also, there was important snorkeling that I had to get done. Know what's cute? Carribean reef squids are cute.
Apparently, while I was gone, the trades announced my new deal. So I guess it's official and I can tell you all about it now. It's a two year development deal with NBC/Universal television. I'm very excited about it, and cannot wait to start work!
I'm exhausted from travel right now, but actual writing discussion will happen again soon. I promise!
Lunch (not today's lunch, but a recent lunch): "Crab 'n' dumplin," a traditional Tobago treat… huge sections of crab stewed in the shell in a kind of green curry sauce, served with pale and doughy flatbread. It's sold from beach-side stands. Hot and green and intense and very messy. Wow. Magnificent.
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