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Home » Archives » June 2006 » A Quickie
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06/05/2006: A Quickie
Oh my. I am having a very busy day today, so I'm just going to offer a simple post. Another example of the principle I discussed in yesterday's post.
Which two characters on The Office are the most realistic, grounded, identifiable-with, the least broadly-comic?
And which two actually *make* jokes? Compose jokes for each other with the intention of being funny, and then actually are funny?
It's the same two. Jim and Pam. A-ha! QED.
Keep this in mind not only if you're writing a spec for The Office, but for any show. You can move characters around on the groundedness scale simply by adjusting their level of joke-making-ness.
I think it's a point worth making twice.
Lunch: Pho, that Vietnamese soup I like, at a restaurant I hadn't tried before. It was disappointing. The broth lacked the intense flavor I seek out.
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