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Home » Archives » June 2006 » Sometimes you don't need to use the f-word
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06/17/2006: Sometimes you don't need to use the f-word
It's fun to just look back at my recent blog posts and remember. Why, it seems like only two days ago I was writing about flashbacks...
In the time since I wrote about flashbacks, I have been lucky enough to have a produced My Name is Earl script fall into my hands. So I can quickly report on how they notate it, since it's a little different than how I described it. This is from an actual script:
A younger Randy stands on the field, waving to Earl in the stands.
They clearly find it sufficient to note the time frame of the scene without using the word "flashback." Those of you writing an Earl, take note.
By the way, this Earl episode, one called "Randy's Touchdown," written by J.B. Cook, is a terrific script. Remember how I talked about how even in an Earl, with its typical use of guest stars, a really good spec would find a way to make show about the main characters? This script is an excellent example of how to do this. Earl starts out with a guest star to appease, and then realizes Randy is the one he really wronged. Keeping it in the show's family makes it all so much more meaningful. There's real heart here, among the funny.
Does the fact that this script already exists mean that this general shape of story is "taken"? Nope. There could be lots of things that Earl needs to make right with Randy. Or Joy. And there could be lots of different kinds of ways into a story with our regular characters at the core of it. If you're writing an Earl, I recommend finding a way to do that exact thing.
Lunch: flatbreads and guacamole.
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