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Home » Archives » July 2006 » I remember it like it was 34 years ago...
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07/11/2006: I remember it like it was 34 years ago...
This is a bite-sized post, designed to go along with a full-sized working day. I noticed something interesting in the funnies of the LA Times yesterday. Two, count 'em, two references to the movie "Deliverance." That was 1972, people! 1972! What is it that makes this movie memorable enough that it can be casually referenced in 2006, with a general expectation of having the reference understood?
Shock. Shock is memorable. When you're coming up with the story for your spec, it wouldn't hurt if there was a little something extra zingy in it. Sometimes, an attempt to come up with a story that the show could actually produce results in a bland, middle-of-the-road spec. This isn't very memorable. Remember that you're trying to write something that looks like the *very best* episodes the show ever does. A hint of shock might be just what you need to put your story over the top.
Lunch: lobster bisque, croque monsieur
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