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Home » Archives » August 2006 » Prisoner of Trebekistan
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08/08/2006: Prisoner of Trebekistan
Hi all! This is a brief supplemental post to remind everyone that I am recommending an amazing book called Prisoner of Trebekistan. It's coming out next month and is available for pre-order now. I have read it, and although I don't want to give too much away, I think I can promise that those of you who enjoy this site will have reason to feel affection for this book. Pulse-pounding game play! Jeopardy backstage secrets! Funniness! Baboons!
Click on the book cover in the "Jane Recommends" box at the top left of the site to be taken to the appropriate Amazon page.
In other promotional news, you might be interested to read about this very blog in today's LA Times. A very nice piece. You are all involved in this blogging transaction with me, gentle readers, so congrats to us all!
Lunch: It's, like, midnight... no lunch since the last time I wrote. I can only do so much.
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