Looking for tips and tricks to the art of writing for television? Welcome to the blog of experienced television writer Jane Espenson. Check it out regularly to learn about spec scripts, writing dos and don'ts, and what Jane had for lunch! (RSS:  )
Home » Archives » September 2006 » Success on Spec
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09/15/2006: Success on Spec
Remember when I told you all, a while back, about Melinda Snodgrass? She's the writer who actually had her Star Trek: The Next Generation spec script produced. Amazing. Specs are supposed to be writing samples only! The only interaction an actor is supposed to have with a spec script is to ignore the person typing one at his local Starbucks. When I told you about Melinda, I said she was the only writer I knew of who had ever accomplished this feat.
But today I learned of another such case. One of the writers on the Andy Barker P.I. writing staff was working as a P.A. on Third Rock from the Sun when he wrote a Third Rock spec. He was able to convince one of the writers on staff to read it... and the next thing he knew, he was sitting in the writers' room, watching his script being polished up before it went in front of the cameras.
How 'bout that? It happens, Gentle Readers. It happens. Maybe it'll happen to you.
Lunch: steak and baked potatoes and strawberries at Arnie Morton's. The steak did not arrive as rare as promised. Sigh.
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