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Serenity Found: More Unauthorized Essays on Joss Whedon's Firefly Universe, edited by Jane Espenson

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Finding Serenity: Anti-Heroes, Lost Shepherds and Space Hookers in Joss Whedon's Firefly, edited by Jane Espenson and Glenn Yeffeth

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Home » Archives » November 2006 » sdrawkcaB gnitirW
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11/04/2006: sdrawkcaB gnitirW

Remember that scene in that episode of Seinfeld where Jerry and George sat down to write their pilot? They started with the first scene and tried to figure out the first line... it was a disaster. This is not only because they had no idea and no outline and were fictional characters. It's also possible they were starting at the wrong end.

Often, there is a scene in a script that is the reason for the whole script to exist. And it's often toward the end. If you're having a hard time plotting out your spec, you might find it helpful to work on the story by stepping through it backwards from that crucial scene. What would have had to have happened right before it? And right before that?

It's harder to get off course when you're headed back to your home than when you're headed away from it. (By the way, I recommend getting one of those little GPS deals to have in your car. I got one for my birthday and I adore it. But that's really unrelated to script writing.)

Lunch: soy and flax chips and strawberry lemonade all from Trader Joe's. Theoretically healthy and very tasty!


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November 2006

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