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01/27/2007: Some Culpa for Mea
Okay, I just had an interesting realization. I don't know why this is only now occurring to me, but it's huge, and I have to apologize. This whole thing about writing original pieces instead of specs for existing shows? This whole thing that turned our world upside down? Forget it. Forg. Et. It.
Know why? Because I'm an idiot, that's why. Because I forgot that the ABC/Disney Writing Fellowship Program still only accepts specs for shows currently in production. And that's one of the only open doors in town. It's the BEST open door in town. It's the door I want you, gentle readers, to storm en masse.
The advice about writing spec pilots, short plays and short film scripts is for those of you who either already have an agent, or those of you who are submitting material to prospective agents. Most of you, however, are not doing that yet. Most of you are trying to get that first foothold. And the name of that foothold is still, "Wanna read my Grey's Anatomy?"
To you, gentle readers, I apologize. And to ABC, may I just say that you might want to consider changing your submission policy. If the pieces you're asking to see no longer reflect the material that young writers will need in order to get work... well, then.
Lunch: scrambled eggs with hot sauce and tortillas
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