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Home » Archives » February 2007 » It's (Going To Be) On!
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02/03/2007: It's (Going To Be) On!
Good news! Andy Barker P.I. has a premiere date! It is: Thursday, March 15 at 9:30 (8:30 central) on NBC. You know this as the 30 Rock time slot of course, but don't worry, they'll be back. We're just borrowing the slot for five weeks of Andy Richter-flavored comedy.
This is, of course, the show I've most recently been working on, and I love it. You're going to love it, too. It's got Andy, who is charming and hilarious, and Tony Hale (Buster from Arrested Development), and a mind-blowing guest appearance by Amy Sedaris in one of the eps. This is a classy operation, gentle readers, a really funny show, and I hope you check it out! (I'll remind you again when it gets a little closer.)
Lunch: shabu shabu -- beef and veggies and noodles cooked on the tabletop.
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