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Home » Archives » February 2007 » Intel from the Field
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02/16/2007: Intel from the Field
Remember Amanda? She's the one who sent the great letter I mentioned earlier this week, about landing an agent. Well, I wanted to give you a little bit more of her letter, because it was interesting all the way through. She's referring to some information I related a while back from my agents about how they're no longer recommending that writers spec episodes of existing shows.
Amanda: "And you are absolutely right re: original material. The first thing [the new agent] asked me for was anything original: short stories, one acts, pilots, etc. Apparently, the spec scripts are Step 2. After a show runner reads the original stuff THEN they ask for the spec."
She goes on to mention that this doesn't seem to be a hard and fast rule, which is certainly the case. And I will mention again that the ABC/Disney fellowship wants traditional specs of shows currently on the air. But it's very interesting to hear that more than one of the big agencies is pushing hard for original material. At least once you're repped by the agency. Remember that Amanda got the agent with a spec of The Office. So hmm.
I know it might seem like I'm grinding this topic into the ground, but it's crucial to your specing careers, so I'm working hard to give you up to the moment info on this one.
Lunch: Koo Koo Roo -- chicken with yams and cucumber salad.
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