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Home » Archives » March 2007 » ABPI is on the air!
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03/15/2007: ABPI is on the air!
So I've literally just now arrived back home fresh from the Andy Barker, PI premiere party. Large fun was had by all and the pilot episode looked great, didn't it? I'm told that my episode (co-written with the delightful Alex Herschlag) airs next week, so tell your Tivo all about it.
One of my favorite lines was cut from the pilot -- so much always has to be cut to bring an episode to broadcast length. And I ask you to consider the question: is this a joke?
The moment was Andy watching himself on surveillance video, while searching for a clue in the background. He winces at what he sees and says, "Uch, I walk just like my dad."
Now, obviously, that is not a joke in any traditional way. And yet it is a line that draws a big laugh. It's a great lesson that all you need to be funny is character and observation. Andy's comment is totally recognizable to all of us -- we've all had reactions like that when looking at ourselves on film. That's the observation part. The character part is that Andy is the kind of character who is willing to voice the thought even while searching earnestly for a clue.
Some of you may be alarmed by the idea of having to "write funny," because you're not confident in your ability to structure a joke. Well, look at that one... no darn structure at all and it's a gem.
Character and observation. You can do it!
Lunch: egg foo yung and rice. Quite good!
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