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Home » Archives » March 2007 » Slimming Down
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03/19/2007: Slimming Down

In an observation related to the previous post, I've decided that there's a definite advantage to turning in a spec that runs a bit short. Or, at the very least, I can now see a distinct disadvantage to turning in one that's on the long side.

I used to think that one of the plusses of writing a spec was that you don't have to make quite so many hard choices about cutting it down to the right length. After all, since it's not going to be produced, making it producible isn't quite as crucial.

But now I'm thinking about the busy agent, executive or show runner looking at the stack of specs they're supposed to read. Which one would you grab first? The big fat long one? Or the one that looks like a quick read, an easy accomplishment?

If I were writing, say, a spec "House"? I'd look at my produced examples and turn in a spec that was several pages shorter, and certainly not longer than they are. It might not make a difference, but I sure don't see how it could hurt.

Lunch: Something at the Universal cafeteria called "Cincinnati Chili." It turned out to be served over spaghetti, which is how I like it anyway. A triumph!


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