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03/21/2007: Mail Bag Grab Bag
Just a reminder -- my episode of Andy Barker, PI airs tomorrow night (thurs) on NBC! Check it out. After it airs, I'll talk with you all a bit about writing action sequences, since I got to write a really fun one for this episode.
But while we wait for the ep to air, I say we go to the mailbag. Robert in Orlando asks about how a novice can get an idea for a show to a network. Sorry, Robert (and everyone else with this very popular question), I'm afraid I don't know of any such open door. I was working as a writer for more than ten years before I got to pitch pilot ideas to network executives. If there were a quicker route, most TV writers would take it.
Networks like to hear pitches from writers with the experience to write a polished and producible script, and ideally with the experience to run the show themselves. In short, it's just not a system that's really set up for input from the outside. But there is a way to the inside of the system, if you want to write a spec script and use it to apply to programs like the ABC Writers' Fellowship. So pull up a chair and we'll talk specs!
Finally, to comment quickly on some other notable notes:
In answer to Richard from New York -- thank you for your letter -- I'm not allowed to use any writing submitted to me, but thanks for lovin' the blog! In answer to Andrew, also from New York -- yes, I think your interpretation of the Balzac joke is exactly right! And a thank you to friend-of-the-blog Leona for the lovely card. And to Scott from Alameda for his Battlestar insights.
Thank you everyone! Soon: action!
Lunch: an ice cream sandwich (I know, I know)
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