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Home » Archives » April 2007 » Getting Away From The Office
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04/22/2007: Getting Away From The Office
Lisa from the Hoosier state writes in with a question that I haven't addressed for a while. She says:
"...I read somewhere that if you want to write for The Office, you should submit a spec for a different show to them? Is this true?"
The answer, of course, is a ringing, "Well, sort of". If you're established enough to have an agent, then an agent is indeed not going to submit your spec of a certain show to that show. They'd send your spec Office to Earl and your spec Earl to The Office, for example. But if you're still on the outside, trying to get into the business, then you're going to be using your spec to try to get an agent, or even more likely, you're going to be submitting it to contests and to wonderful opportunities like the ABC/Disney Writing Fellowship (follow the link elsewhere on this page). So you might as well write the spec you think you can do the best job on.
Right now, everyone seems to be writing an Office spec, the way that when I was struggling to get into the business, we all had Seinfelds. The disadvantage is that yours has to stand out compared to all those others. The advantage is that you're getting to spec a great show.
You know what, though? I feel like it's time for 30 Rock. It's feeling established enough now. Smart show, funny show... feels specable to me. That might at last provide a little variety.
Lisa also asks about finding produced scripts of The Office. Good for you! That's an absolutely crucial step. A quick check reveals that Ebay might provide what you seek. Good luck, Lisa!
Lunch: those cheese-covered prawns at Buffet City. Yum!
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