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06/03/2007: And Then You Get Apples in Your Can of Worms
Some series require you to make a "buy". To suspend your disbelief in a major way right at the outset. Is that a flying nun? A talking car? Are those supposed to be teenagers?
Some spec writers are tempted to put an innovative spin on their script by bringing this presupposed, but possibly problematic, element to the forefront. Don't do it. For example, if the implied documentary crew is featured on camera in your spec for The Office, you've probably taken a wrong turn. The documentary frame for the show might look like a tempting bit of low-hanging fruit, but if you pull it, the whole orchard unravels.
AND IN OTHER NEWS: I have it on very good authority that "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" is indeed eligible -- and very welcome -- as a spec for the ABC/Disney Fellowship.
Lunch: stuffed jalapenos and Dr. Pepper from Jack in the Box
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