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06/05/2007: Spring Cleaning
Some letters require only a brief reply, not enough to build a whole entry around so let's take care of some of them all at once!
For Melanie in Chicago: I don't think the new Dr. Who would make a good spec for the ABC/Disney fellowship. I think we should assume (to be on the safe side), that they only want US-produced shows.
For Brandi in Seattle: It looks like How I Met Your Mother has been renewed for another season. Looks to me that that makes it an eligible spec for ABC/Disney. Go for it!
For Jason in Calgary: I'm not really familiar with the sorts of informal-pitching-at-a-TV-festival that you're going to be doing. Wish I was. My only advice is keep it brief, enthusiastic and end with a loud "And that's our show!" to keep yourself from kind of dribbling off. I have no idea what kind of leave-behind you might want to prepare or what kind of reception you might get. But brevity is the soul of profit, so use that.
For Nic in Germany: Hi again. She wants to know if her Grey's Anatomy spec has to include all twelve main characters. This is a great time to consult the produced episodes. If they always have the whole dozen, then you'd better find a way to do it, too.
And finally, Taylor in L.A. actually wrote a spec entry for this very blog. Nicely done! Thank you!
Lunch: veggie sandwich -- loads of avocado. Nice.
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