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08/08/2007: The Mouse House
In Fellowship news, Brandon in Maryland writes in with a question about the ABC/Disney Fellowship that never would've occurred to me, but it's a really good one for anyone who might be facing a substantial move. He's asking about the "one month's accommodations" that the fellowship supplies. Well, I checked on this for you, Brandon, and I've discovered that they'll take good care of you, should you get selected. Fellows are given the choice of being put up in a furnished apartment in a very nice complex near the studio in Burbank for one month while they look for a place, or they can take the money equivalent and find housing on their own right away. This is an excellent deal, and I certainly hope housing issues don't prevent anyone from applying to the program.
Lunch: Vietnamese food again -- different place, but that same dish with the pork and the noodles and the sweet sauce. I need to write down the name next time.
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