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Finding Serenity: Anti-Heroes, Lost Shepherds and Space Hookers in Joss Whedon's Firefly, edited by Jane Espenson and Glenn Yeffeth

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Home » Archives » September 2007 » Another Reason to Sharpen Every Line in Your Spec
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09/17/2007: Another Reason to Sharpen Every Line in Your Spec

Yesterday, I attended the Emmy Awards for my first time ever. I recommend it. The show itself moves along pretty painlessly and the Governor's Ball afterwards is full of famous people, tasty food, and surprises like looking up and realizing that Tony Bennett is actually just over there on the bandstand, singing, and you can just walk right up. My goodness.

You saw the same broadcast bits that I saw, so you already know which parts of the show itself were fun, but I liked all the stuff you got from really being there. I enjoyed the vintage Emmy clips they showed in the theater during the commercial breaks, and the incongruously cultured voice that would request "applause in the house, please," before the end of every break, and even the very end of the night was fun because there was this crush of people all waiting for their hired limos to come pick them up and everyone was in the same situation even though they might be, say, Vanessa Williams. Bizarrely egalitarian, the limo-waiting process.

Television writing is the best job in the world. It's got so many rewards built in already: you work with smart and funny people, create something, have your work seen by millions... and then, on top of that, there are awards. Really?! Neat.

Polish those scripts, Gentle Readers. They're the ticket to the show.

Lunch: turkey with spices for a sort of pseudo-Indian effect


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