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Home » Archives » October 2007 » Klink!
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10/03/2007: Klink!
Oh, Gentle Readers, we are very lucky today. Meet Friend-of-the-blog Lisa Klink, a brilliant and accomplished television writer. (Check out her credits on imdb). Lisa forever has my envy because she worked inside the world of a couple of the Star Trek series, while I sniffed around the outside. Anyway, Lisa read yesterday's post and now she leaps, superhero-like, to the rescue. Lisa writes:
In your blog, you wondered if anyone could help out newbie writers with questions like how to get an assistant job. My blog addresses a lot of that stuff - plus what the writers' room is like, what to expect from an agent, etc. Feel free to throw any folk with those types of questions my way.
Wow. How perfect is that? Her blog is here: lisaklink.com/blog1. Please check it out! I myself just lost a lovely chunk of time reading and learning there.
This is probably also a good time to mention the blogs of a couple other incredibly smart and accomplished writers: Ken Levine and Doris Egan. Learning from -- and being totally charmed by -- resources like these are part of how you (yes, you, Gentle Reader), are going to succeed in this business.
Lunch: veggie sandwich on rye, extra avocado
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