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~ Ken Jennings, author of Brainiac


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Finding Serenity: Anti-Heroes, Lost Shepherds and Space Hookers in Joss Whedon's Firefly, edited by Jane Espenson and Glenn Yeffeth

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Home » Archives » November 2007 » Cutting Them Off at the Elipsis
[Previous entry: "In Which I Talk About A Dream I Had Thirty Years Ago"] [Next entry: "Strike News! As it Happens!"]

11/12/2007: Cutting Them Off at the Elipsis

So I did my sign-making shift at the Guild today, in lieu of picketing. Hard work, but fun. Guess who was there, working beside me, wielding both stapler and tape like a pro? Saul Turtletaub. Oh my god. I remember seeing that name on my television screen when I was a child -- Love American Style and That Girl! and Sanford and Son. Wow. Count me as impressed. And he couldn't have been nicer, either -- funny and generous and up-beat. This strike isn't just bringing fans together with writers, it's bringing writers together. I love that.

In other strike news, I'm told that tomorrow the Battlestar staff is being moved back to the Barham gate of Universal. I never even got to see Gate 2! Anyway, I'll be somewhere for the 6am to 10am shift tomorrow if you want to stop by!

And, if you can stand even more of me, check out the new interview about "Serenity Found" from the fine people at PinkRayGun.com! Thank you, Pink Ray Gun People!

All right. It's been a while since I gave any real practical writing advice, and I'm feeling the lack. So let's talk dialogue. Want to move a scene along quickly AND make your characters seem smart? Let them anticipate each other. Instead of this:

I have to ask you something. You and Jeff--


Did you have an affair with him, Kayla?

I... I can't believe you're asking that!

Try this:

I have to ask you -- You and Jeff. Did you... did you--

No. You're not-- You think I slept with your best friend? I can't believe you!

By having Kayla anticipate the question, the relationship becomes just that little bit realer for me. Couples anticipate each other. The interaction also becomes more charged, since she's more emotional here, more eager to defend herself. She's a more active participant in the exchange.

Anticipation is not always the right answer. It's possible that the whole point of this scene has to do with Dave hearing himself ask the question out loud -- maybe that moment is the culmination of his journey in some way. But in the absence of special requirements like that, having characters get ahead of each other is more than just a fast and elegant way to accelerate a story.

You can use the same trick to elide information that the audience already knows, too. If someone is explaining a established plan to a newcomer, for example, let the newcomer pick up on it and cut them off. Letting characters be smart is a smart choice for the writer.

Lunch: cheese and apples


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