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Home » Archives » November 2007 » An Update on the Run...
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11/16/2007: An Update on the Run...
WOW. What a turnout today at Universal! Thank you so much, Battlestar fans! Our gate was bustin' with fans and I hear there were crowds at the other gates as well! Nicely done! And I enjoyed meeting all of you!
I'm going to be hard to pin down on Monday -- probably splitting my time between the Universal Barham Gate and the Colfax Gate at CBS Radford where there is going to be a confluence of female genre writers.
Then there is Tuesday, Nov. 20, your last chance to come show your support before the Thanksgiving holiday. This is the big March and Rally on Hollywood Blvd! The plan is to assemble at 1PM at the corner of Hollywood Blvd and Ivar Avenue, with the march beginning at 1:30. This should be something and a half!
I'm about to run out the door for a long-planned weekend trip with my old friends from the Disney writing fellowship, so I'm not going to be posting over the weekend. You'll have to keep an eye on things for me, okay, Gentle Readers? Keep watching UnitedHollywood.com -- I've got a feeling this "Pencils for Moguls" campaign is gonna heat up!
Lunch: cheap sushi. Yuck.
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