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Home » Archives » December 2007 » Strike News from A to Izzard
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12/06/2007: Strike News from A to Izzard

Tomorrow is the big day. "Mutant Enemy Day," the special event being held in celebration of Joss Whedon and his shows Buffy, Angel, and Firefly (and the up-coming Dollhouse), will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Fox studios. I hope you'll be there.

I spent yesterday evening and this morning at Guild headquarters, making signs for the event. So if you get one that's exceptionally poorly taped, it might be mine. I invite you to imagine me, beaning myself with the stick, stray tape caught in my hair... I do it all for you.

There is also exciting news about another big impending event with a Buffy connection! I have just received an email from the amazing Marti Noxon about an event she has helped set up for next Friday, the 14th of December at 8 p.m. Marti says, it's a comedy benefit for the Motion Picture and Television Fund, which is available to provide health and social services to all workers in the entertainment industry affected by the strike. The line-up is EDDIE IZZARD, JACK BLACK AND KYLE GASS (Tenacious D), SARAH SILVERMAN, PATTON OSWALT, and LEWIS BLACK. It's at Royce Hall, and tickets go on sale over the weekend via UCLA for 75 bucks a pop. [...] The money will go to a great cause and it's an awesome group of performers.

Whoa. I'll say. My god. What a line-up! I cannot imagine missing this.

Marti points out that there isn't a lot of time to promote this event. It got a nice write-up in today's LA Times, but most of the promotion is going to be simple word-of-mouth. That means, of course, that you can buy lots of tickets and get great seats for this one-of-a-kind show! I don't have a phone number for ticket orders. I called the Royce Hall box office just now, and they either aren't going to be selling the tickets, or they just haven't been informed about it yet. I'll post a phone number or web site order info when I get it, but you should feel free to investigate this yourselves over the weekend if I don't find out anything.

THEN, Monday at Paramount, there is a special picket for Trek writers and fans. I will be there, as will many other writers who were involved in Trek either intimately or tangentially (like me). Notice that this refers to all Trek incarnations including the original. Personally, my fingers are crossed for a chance to talk to D.C. Fontana. (I'm told that she and I were at the same party recently... that I even sat quite near her, but I didn't know who she was, and missed out on a chance to talk to her.) Think of the possibilities!

Lunch: See today's earlier post.


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