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Home » Archives » December 2007 » Infamy!
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12/07/2007: Infamy!
Oh my! I'm still recovering from the massively successful Mutant Enemy Day picket at Fox today. Did I meet every one of you, Gentle Readers? Because it feels as though I did. What a turn-out! Joss was, I know, impressed and moved by the support, as were all of us, both Mutants and Enemies. Thanks so much to all of you who came from nearby and from very very far away to show your support. It means a lot to us personally, and it makes an impact in the struggle as well. Knowing the fans are behind the writers makes it possible for us to persevere as these negotiations drag on.
Lots of people thanked me for the writing advice I dispense here. Allow me to point a finger off-stage to someone else who is giving excellent advice. I recently stumbled across the book "Writing The TV Drama Series," by Pamela Douglas, and it's great. I totally recommend it. Pamela has loads of experience as a working writer and she generously lays it all out and includes input as well from a number of "guest speakers," including my current boss, Ron Moore of Battlestar Galactica.
One of the big reasons I recommend this book is because it's so spankingly current. The shift away from four acts to five or more, the move from specs of produced shows to spec pilots... she covers it all. I don't know Pamela personally, but I'm darned impressed.
Once more... thank you for this morning's picket. What a glorious thing.
Lunch: grilled artichoke, chocolate-dipped fruit
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