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12/10/2007: It was Like the Enterprise Cafeteria or Something
I'm back from the Trek picket at Paramount. Again, there was a crazy wall-to-wall turnout of supporters, fans, and magnificent alumni. I was thrilled to get to see my old friend Armin Shimerman, whom I've been able to write for both as Quark and as Principal Snyder on Buffy. I also got to meet Trek actors including Brent Spiner and Nichelle Nichols. I heartily thanked David Gerrold, the writer of "The Trouble with Tribbles," who pioneered the business of coming in to write "the funny one," a model I've tried to follow in my own writing career. And, get this, when I retired to Lucy's El Adobe for lunch following the picket, whom did I find? George Takei and Walter Koenig, lunching together. Holy cats, fellow Trekkers. Can you imagine? Sulu and Chekhov, sharing chips and salsa. I was undone.
So, I had exciting first-meets, and charming reunions with old friends (much of the Tru Calling writing staff was there -- go figure), but the best part, as always, was meeting you, Gentle Readers. Many of you found me and made an effort to say hello and introduce yourselves. The fact that you support the writers warms my heart. We're staying strong out there largely because we know you're with us in this. Thank you so much.
Tomorrow, I'm going to be at Warner Brothers (probably Gate 2) with other women genre writers starting at 8 am. Look for the pink hats. It's also "bring an actor friend" to the line day, so I'm hoping to have a surprise guest with me. Come by to see who it is!
In other strike news, check this out. It's a very interesting piece from United Hollywood that might help you think of ways you can help, even if you're too far away to come join us on the line.
In non-strike news, you can also check this other thing out. It's another interview with me, this time done by the fine people at SpaceWesterns.com, who asked some interesting questions that made me think very hard.
Finally, I have to point out another prime example of refurbishing a clam (an over-used joke). You remember, I'm sure, extensive conversations we've had before about "Good day... I said good day, sir!" I was surprised and interested to hear a variant of this joke on 30 Rock the other night. This version went:
Person One: I said good day!
Person Two: No, you didn't.
Person One: Well, I meant to.
It's an interesting attempt to freshen up a familiar joke by making the person deliver it incorrectly. I'm not sure it was entirely successful, but I give it points for taking on such a difficult task.
Lunch: Guac, salsa, chips... eaten while watching childhood icons.