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Who Hates Whom: Well-Armed Fanatics, Intractable Conflicts, and Various Things Blowing Up A Woefully Incomplete Guide by Bob Harris

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~ Ken Jennings, author of Brainiac


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Serenity Found: More Unauthorized Essays on Joss Whedon's Firefly Universe, edited by Jane Espenson

Flirting with Pride and Prejudice: Fresh Perspectives on the Original Chick-Lit Masterpiece, edited by Jennifer Crusie and including Jane Espenson's short story, "Georgiana"

Finding Serenity: Anti-Heroes, Lost Shepherds and Space Hookers in Joss Whedon's Firefly, edited by Jane Espenson and Glenn Yeffeth

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Home » Archives » December 2007 » Make Sure They're Not Fake
[Previous entry: "The Laugh on the Cut"] [Next entry: "A Feather in Your Recap"]

12/16/2007: Make Sure They're Not Fake

Strike Update: Tomorrow (Monday), I will be picketing at the Universal Barham gate from 9 to noon instead of from 6 to 9, due to a reconfiguring of the picketing patterns. As always, anyone who wants to come out and join the line with us will be welcome. That will be my final day of line-walking before the holidays, although I'm sure I'll stop in at other strike-related events and will continue to put in shifts at Guild headquarters. If more picketing is required in the new year, I will let you all know where I plan to be.

And a small writing thought: here's another reason to rely on scripts, as opposed to produced episodes, when analyzing television shows. Sometimes when a show is rebroadcast with different time requirements (on cable, for example, or in daytime slots), the show has to be cut down to allow for extra ad time. Sometimes, even, a commercial break will be added where there was none in the original broadcast (and obviously, in the original script). Don't be misled by this. Act breaks are essential to creating a strong spec script. Make sure they're involving and suspenseful.

Lunch: poached eggs, rye toast


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