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12/19/2007: Year-End Announcement
I am going to be taking a holiday break. For the first time I can remember, I don't have a beat sheet, outline, script or revision to work on over the break, so I'm not taking my computer with me. This means that I will probably not be posting at all until 2008.
But if you're an aspiring writer, not yet in the Guild, and you're working on spec scripts to submit to fellowships or competitions, you CAN take your computer wherever you're going (or staying). Holiday time can be an excellent chance to write your specs. The Star Trek: TNG script that opened the Hollywood door for me was written over a winter break. Maybe that'll be the charm for you, too!
See you in the New Year!
ADDENDUM: Have you checked out Cash For The Crew? It's a fantastic cause. Go look!
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