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Home » Archives » January 2008 » Frenzy Corrected
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01/20/2008: Frenzy Corrected
Ooh. Ask, and I shall receive. I posted confusedly yesterday about ScriptFrenzy, and who should come riding to my rescue but C. A. Bridges, the Webmaster over at fans4writers. Here is the inside dope on ScriptFrenzy, per C.A.:
ScriptFrenzy takes place in April. The object is to write a 100-page script in a month. The people who started it up are from National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), which happens every November and requires you to write a 50,000 word novel in a month. The point of both is to encourage people to prove to themselves that they can finish a script or novel. Quality is largely optional, although several NaNo novels have gotten publishing deals. Both events are a lot of fun - I've done NaNo 5 times (with varying degrees of success) and ScriptFrenzy once - and it can be a great way to get a taste of working on an insane deadline, always a valuable job skill. Also important to would-be screenwriters: if I recall correctly last year ScriptFrenzy participants got a special price on copies of Final Draft. Possibly best of all, from both events, are the forums. Hugely popular during the events and a great way to get information.
So there you go! This sounds like a worthwhile way to both encourage yourself to meet a deadline, and to make valuable connections. I approve. For more info go to scriptfrenzy.org. (Note the ".org" ending.)
Lunch: Udon noodle soup with mentaiko
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