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Home » Archives » February 2008 » Walkin' and Walkin'
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02/05/2008: Walkin' and Walkin'

Oh my, what a busy picketing day tomorrow will be. In addition to "Sci Fi Channel Day" at NBC from noon to 2, as detailed in my last post, there is also a "Spooky Wednesday" picket at Warner Brothers from 9 to noon. If you want to attend both and don't want to walk for five hours, may I suggest that like any good screenwriter you get into the scene late and cut out early.

You've already seen the Sci Fi Day info. Here is the info on the Spooky Wednesday event as provided by the organizers:

Not sure you're witty enough to write Sam and Dean Winchester's dialogue? The writers from "Supernatural" can help! Want to know how to raise the stakes for a Vampire detective? Writers from "Moonlight" know! Worried that your spouse may be a cyborg? The writers from "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles" probably won't be able to help (but they will be on hand for your other brilliant questions!). Yes, writers from these shows (plus a few surprise guests!) will be there to answers these questions and more...

The usual disclaimers:

If you're a writer for a genre drama (or have been one) and want to show up, please know:

No one will solicit you to read their brilliant spec script. No one will ask for your phone number or email address. No one will expect anything of you other than your ability to answer some story/structure/dialogue questions.

If you're an aspiring writer who wants to take advantage of getting some truly great advice from the folks who have lived, eaten, breathed it:

Definitely join us -- all you need to do is pick up a sign! What you should not do: solicit the writers to read your brilliant spec script. Do not ask for phone numbers or email addresses. Do expect brilliance, because that's what you'll get!

SPOOKY WEDNESDAY: February 6th, 9 AM-12 PM, Warner Bros Gate 2.

Since I've already committed to the NBC event, I'm choosing to attend that one, but if you're an aspiring writer, both events obviously have a lot to offer.

Lunch: leftover veggie fajita


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