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Home » Archives » March 2008 » Leaving the Zinger Unzinged
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03/02/2008: Leaving the Zinger Unzinged
Here's an exchange I just heard today on an episode of The Wire. It went something like this:
A GUY I got a little problem.
OTHER GUY Not uncommon in a man your age.
Fantastic, right? Funny without being unrealistic. But what's the next line? It's tempting to feel that the next line has to be a topper, or at least a "very funny" or "f--- you" sort of acknowledgement of the joke. But that isn't what happened. Instead, the first guy acknowledged the joke with a sort of wry grimace and went on to outline what he actually needed from the other guy. And, I swear, the joke was funnier for it, and the scene retained a sense of urgency that might've been lost behind a whole string of jokes.
Jokes breed jokes. You want a little comedic head-piece to a scene, and it's easy to end up with a whole joke run, just because you feel like everyone has to keep responding and one-upping. Great for a sitcom, but if you're in a drama, consider letting a joke line just stand alone.
Lunch: Vienna sausages, canned oysters, "spicy thai" potato chips, strawberries and a variety of candies
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