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Home » Archives » March 2008 » Encouragement from One's Piers
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03/07/2008: Encouragement from One's Piers
Ooh! Brit-ness! Get this, Gentle Readers! I am holding in my hand -- well, not really, cuz I'm typing -- a letter from the BBC. How cool is that? Doesn't it seem like it should smell like tea and dry wit? Nice. Anyway, the letter is from Piers Beckley (gotta love it), who runs the BBC writersroom website that I talked about in the February 10th post on this blog. (This is the BBC development program that should be of great interest to those of you for whom a career in the UK makes sense, and which I find especially intriguing because it also includes radio scripts as an option.)
Piers says:
I just thought I'd drop you a line to confirm that there's no [UK] citizenship requirement -- we're happy to read scripts from people outside the UK.
Yay. He goes on:
One thing that might catch US writers out, though, is that like most producers in the UK, the BBC won't read specs for series that currently exist -- we can only read original pieces.
Notice that this is the exact opposite of the ABC/Disney Fellowship, which cannot legally read original pieces, but only specs for existing series.
A good way to look at this is that anything you write now has a destination. Thanks so much, Piers!
Lunch: Grilled vegetable sandwich. I was disappointed to find out that the vegetables inside were grilled, but the sandwich as a whole was not. I wanted a grilled grilled vegetable sandwich.
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