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Home » Archives » June 2008 » The Sparkle Rule
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06/08/2008: The Sparkle Rule

UPDATE: I got word back from the guys at the ABC/Disney program about the web site. They say, "We are a bit behind with the updated application, but are hoping to get it posted no later than Friday of this week." So there you go.

Wendy in Reseda wants to know if she can submit a re-worked version of the same script she submitted last year to the ABC/Disney Fellowship this year. I don't see a problem with that. If it's read by the same reader, they might notice that it's familiar, but they should be good enough at their job to realize that it's well-written. It's possible that it might give the impression that you've only got one idea, but if that's their concern they will simply request a second script to make sure you've got the goods. If you're really proud of this new version -- if it genuinely sparkles -- use it.

Lisa in Indiana is working on a "Lost" spec, also for ABC/Disney, and she's worried that by focusing on a less-commonly featured character, she's creating something that will be seen as an atypical episode. "Lost" is, of course, a bear of a show to spec. Many people will tell you not even to try. But Lisa is passionate about the show, and since (as she points out) the show does experiment with different types of tones and structures, it's not clear that the "atypical" criticism even makes sense anymore. Just as I told Wendy, if you're confident that the script sparkles, use it.

R.A. in Phoenix is checking in to make sure the ABC/Disney program is continuing at all, since apparently the web site (see sidebar over there -->) is in need of updating. Yes, it is, and the site should be updated soon.

Other Gentle Readers have written in with other ABC/Disney questions, that I plan to get around to shortly. I'm so pleased that interest in this program continues. It gave me my start and it continues to attract and nurture aspiring writers and turn them into colleagues.

Lunch: Shabu shabu with Kobe beef. Then I took home the leftover raw beef and cooked it up to make a superlative steak sandwich.


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