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06/17/2008: Exemplary Letters
Michael in Hollywood writes in with a concern. He's having a hard time finding sample produced scripts. I've written a lot about the importance of having these if you're going to write a spec of an existing show. They give you the show's exact format and answer loads of questions such as, as Michael points out, whether they slug the characters' dialogue with their first or last names.
They also help you figure out the structure and pacing of your script because you can compare those things apples-to-apples if you've got script pages to spread out.
But I am hearing from you and others, Michael, that these scripts are getting harder to find. They are, after all, the property of the studios, and apparently they are cracking down on their release. If I were you, though, I'd still make an effort to find them. Look on Ebay, for example. You might also try some of those Hollywood book shops like Book City. Since you live in Hollywood, you can even go in person and look at their selection. Also, living in Hollywood, you have access to the group Scriptwriter's Network, which maintains their own library of such scripts that you can look at if you join. I just spoke to that group last weekend and can recommend them not just as a source of scripts but also for writing help, networking and all sorts of useful things.
In other mail news, to Terry in Kentucky: I'm sorry, but I don't have contact info for Ringo or his assistant. But I love that you asked.
And a big "Thanks" to Elizabeth in Texas who loved my most recent Battlestar episode -- glad you liked it!
Lunch: left-over potato salad from a party
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