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Home » Archives » July 2008 » A Quick Word
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07/02/2008: A Quick Word
Hello all. Apologies for my absence. I was in Vancouver for the Battlestar Galactica wrap party, and have been very hard at work since then on continuing Battlestar work -- to the extent that it makes one question the definition of "wrap party." I haven't had time to come up with blogable topics, but I do continue to read the mail. So this is a brief dip into the mail bag.
Thanks to Gentle Reader Kori in West Hollywood, who writes in praise of Battlestar both in the general and the particular. Thank you, Kori!
And congratulations to Gentle Reader Ernie of New Jersey, who is having success with his spec pilot! Good work, Ernie, and thank you!
And a huge thank you to Pat in England, whom I met years ago at a Buffy convention in London, and who now sends me the coolest bit of Ringo memorabilia in tribute to my recent Ringo near-encounter. Wow -- that's fantastic. Thank you so much, Pat!
Lunch: a huge submarine sandwich with three kinds of hard-to-identify meat. And two cookies.
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